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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - first


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(firsts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The first thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes before all the others of the same kind. She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet. ...the first few flakes of snow... Two years ago Johnson came first in the one hundred metres at Seoul. ? last ORD • First is also a pronoun. The second paragraph startled me even more than the first... He put me through a series of exercises to improve my car control. The first was to drive on simulated ice. PRON 2. If you do something first, you do it before anyone else does, or before you do anything else. I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion... First, tell me what you think of my products... Routine questions first, if you don’t mind. ADV: ADV with v, ADV with cl/group 3. When something happens or is done for the first time, it has never happened or been done before. This is the first time she has experienced disappointment... It was the first occasion when they had both found it possible to keep a rendezvous. ORD • First is also an adverb. Anne and Steve got engaged two years after they had first started going out... ADV: ADV with v 4. An event that is described as a first has never happened before and is important or exciting. It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero’s sculpture on Park Avenue. N-SING: a N, oft N for n 5. The first you hear of something or the first you know about it is the time when you first become aware of it. We heard it on the TV last night–that was the first we heard of it... PRON: the PRON that 6. You use first when you are talking about what happens in the early part of an event or experience, in contrast to what happens later. When he first came home he wouldn’t say anything about what he’d been doing. = initially ADV: ADV before v • First is also an ordinal. She told him that her first reaction was disgust... ORD: usu poss ORD 7. In order to emphasize your determination not to do a particular thing, you can say that rather than do it, you would do something else first. Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first! ADV: ADV after v c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You use first when you are about to give the first in a series of items. Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system. ADV: ADV with cl/group 9. The first thing, person, or place in a line is the one that is nearest to you or nearest to the front. Before him, in the first row, sat the President... First in the queue were two Japanese students. ? last ORD 10. You use first to refer to the best or most important thing or person of a particular kind. The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers... Imagine winning the local lottery first prize of ?5,000. ORD 11. First is used in the title of the job or position of someone who has a higher rank than anyone else with the same basic job title. ...the First Lord of the Admiralty. ...the first mate of a British tanker. ORD 12. In British universities, a first is an honours degree of the highest standard. ...an Oxford Blue who took a First in Constitutional History. N-COUNT: oft N in n 13. You use first of all to introduce the first of a number of things that you want to say. The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan. PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 14. You use at first when you are talking about what happens in the early stages of an event or experience, or just after something else has happened, in contrast to what happens later. At first, he seemed surprised by my questions... I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there. = initially PHRASE: PHR with cl 15. If you say that someone or something comes first for a particular person, you mean they treat or consider that person or thing as more important than anything else. There’s no time for boyfriends, my career comes first. PHRASE: V inflects 16. If you learn or experience something at first hand, you experience it yourself or learn it directly rather than being told about it by other people. He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting. PHRASE: PHR after v 17. If you say that you do not know the first thing about something, you are emphasizing that you know absolutely nothing about it. You don’t know the first thing about farming. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 18. If you put someone or something first, you treat or consider them as more important than anything else. Somebody has to think for the child and put him first. PHRASE: V inflects 19. You say ‘first things first’ when you are talking about something that should be done or dealt with before anything else because it is the most important. Let’s see if we can’t find something to set the mood. First things first; some music. PHRASE 20. first and foremost: see foremost
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   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fyrst; akin to Old High German furist ~, Old English faran to go — more at fare  Date: before 12th century preceding all others in time, order, or importance: as  a. earliest  b. being the lowest forward gear or speed of a motor vehicle  c. having the highest or most prominent part among a group of similar voices or instruments ~ tenor ~ violins  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. before another in time, space, or importance  b. in the ~ place — often used with of all  c. for the ~ time  2. in preference to something else ; sooner  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1. — see number table  2. something that is ~: as  a. the ~ occurrence or item of a kind  b. the ~ forward gear or speed of a motor vehicle  c. the highest or chief voice or instrument of a group  d. an article of commerce of the finest grade  e. the winning or highest place in a competition, examination, or contest  3. ~ base ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a earliest in time or order. b coming next after a specified or implied time (shall take the first train; the first cuckoo). 2 foremost in position, rank, or importance (First Lord of the Treasury; first mate). 3 Mus. performing the highest or chief of two or more parts for the same instrument or voice. 4 most willing or likely (should be the first to admit the difficulty). 5 basic or evident (first principles). --n. 1 (prec. by the) the person or thing first mentioned or occurring. 2 the first occurrence of something notable. 3 a a place in the first class in an examination. b a person having this. 4 the first day of a month. 5 first gear. 6 a first place in a race. b the winner of this. 7 (in pl.) goods of the best quality. --adv. 1 before any other person or thing (first of all; first and foremost; first come first served). 2 before someone or something else (must get this done first). 3 for the first time (when did you first see her?). 4 in preference; rather (will see him damned first). 5 first-class (I usually travel first). Phrases and idioms at first at the beginning. at first hand directly from the original source. first aid help given to an injured person until proper medical treatment is available. first and last taking one thing with another, on the whole. first blood see BLOOD. first-born adj. eldest. --n. the eldest child of a person. First Cause the Creator of the universe. first class 1 a set of persons or things grouped together as the best. 2 the best accommodation in a train, ship, etc. 3 the class of mail given priority in handling. 4 a the highest division in an examination list. b a place in this. first-class adj. 1 belonging to or travelling by the first class. 2 of the best quality; very good. --adv. by the first class (travels first-class). first cousin see COUSIN. first-day cover an envelope with stamps postmarked on their first day of issue. first-degree Med. denoting burns that affect only the surface of the skin, causing reddening. first finger the finger next to the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) впервые 2) начало 3) начальный 4) первый 5) прежде всего 6) система первого 7) сначала 8) сперва as a first approximation — в первом приближении at a first approximation — в первом приближении correct in first order — верный с точностью до членов первого порядка cusp of the first kind — точка возврата точка заострения первого рода degeneracy of the first kind — вырождение первого рода difference of first order — разность первого порядка differential equation of first order — дифференциальное уравнение первого порядка differential of first kind — дифференциал первого рода equation of first approximation — уравнение первого приближения equation of first kind — уравнение первого рода error of first kind — ошибка первого рода first fundamental harmonic — основная первая гармоника first angle system — система первого диэдр first approximation method — метод первого приближения first approximation model — модель первого приближения (к реальному процессу) first asymptotic distribution — первое предельное распределение first critical point — т. игр первая критическая точка first distributive law — первый закон дистрибутивности first exit time — момент первого выхода first fundamental form — первая фундаментальная форма first homology group — одномерная группа гомологий first homotopy group — одномерная группа гомотопий first jump time — время первого скачка first...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) начало 2) первый экземпляр (векселя) • - at first hand - at first instance - court of first instance - first class - first in - first out - first name - first option - first quarter - first sale - in the first place - last in - first out 2. прил. первый - first and foremost - first draft - first impression - first priority - first tier subcontractor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (the first) первое (число) on the first of May —- первого мая 2. первый (человек) (который что-л. делает) we were the first to arrive —- мы прибыли первыми he was among the very first —- он был среди первых (сделавших что-л.) 3. начало at first —- сначала, сперва at the first —- (в) первое время from the (very) first —- с самого начала 4. получивший первую премию, первый приз и т. п.; получивший высокую оценку to come in an easy first —- прийти к финишу первым (намного раньше других) 5. степень бакалавра с отличием первого класса (в университетах Великобритании) 6. муз. самый высокий голос или самая высокая партия (в дуэте, трио и т. п.) 7. pl. товар первого сорта, высшего качества 8. pl. горн. лучшая кусковая руда; концентрат 9. место в первом классе (какого-л. транспорта) 10. разг. первая база (бейсбол) 11. разг. первый этап, первый шаг (к чему-л.) 12. разг. авт. первая скорость 13. первый (по счету) the first three years —- первые три года the first turning on the right —- первый поворот направо the first man I saw on arrival —- первый, кого я увидел по приезде I'll do it first thing —- я сделаю это прежде всего I'll call you first thing in the morning —- завтра утром первым делом я позвоню вам Peter the F. —- Петр Первый 14. первый по времени, самый ранний the first flowers of spring —- первые весенние цветы the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  thing первым долгом Ill do it first thing in the morning я первым делом завтра займусь этим FIRST  1. num. ord. первый; first form - первый класс (в школе)  2. adj.  1) первый; ранний to come first - прийти первым they were the first to come - они пришли первыми in the first place - сперва; прежде всего; в первую очередь - first thing  2) первый, выдающийся; значительный the first scholar of the day - самый выдающийся ученый своего времени first violin - первая скрипка  3) самая высокая партия в музыкальной пьесе или самый высокий голос в ансамбле - First Commoner - First Sea Lord - first water to be on a first name basis with smb. быть на ты с кем-л.  3. noun  1) начало at the first of the year - в начале года from the first - с самого начала from first to last - с начала до конца - at first  2) (the first) первое число  3) pl. товары высшего качества  4. adv.  1) сперва, сначала - first of all  2) впервые I first met him last year - впервые я его встретил в прошлом году  3) скорее, предпочтительно first and last - в общем и целом first, last and all the time amer. - решительно и бесповоротно; раз и навсегда - first or last FIRST chop первый сорт FIRST comer первый пришедший FIRST Commoner спикер (в палате общин до 1919 г.) FIRST cost noun себестоимость FIRST floor noun  1) второй этаж  2) amer. первый этаж FIRST name noun имя (в отличие от фамилии) FIRST of all прежде всего FIRST offender преступник,...
Англо-русский словарь
  number BEFORE 1 before anything or anyone else  (She reached the top of the hill first. | It's mine, I saw it first.)  (- see firstly) 2 the first someone or something that is before other people or things  (be (the) first to do sth)  (My sister said I'd be first to get married, but she was wrong. | come (in) first (=win a race))  (Lewis came first in the 100m race.) 3 before doing anything else, or before anything else happens  (I always read the funnies first. | First I have to clean up the house, then I'll come shopping with you. | first of all)  (First of all we'd better make sure we have everything we need.) 4 make the first move to be the person who does something when everyone is nervous and uncomfortable about starting to do something  (Barney really likes Hannah, but he's too shy to make the first move.) 5 do/say sth in the first place spoken used to say that someone said or did something before  (I don't really want to go...." Oh Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?") 6 in the first instance especially BrE before you do anything else  (It is important in the first instance to be sure that there is a demand for the product you wish to sell.) THE FIRST TIME STH HAPPENS OR IS DONE 7 happening or done before other events or actions of the same kind  (He made his first appearance on the stage in the 1950s. | My first reaction was that the story couldn't possibly be true. | the first time)  (The first time I flew in a plane I was really nervous.) 8 done for the first time  (The book was first published in Australia last year.) 9 the first someone who does something that has never been done or happened before  (No one had ever settled in the valley before; he was the first. | be the first to do sth)  (She was the first to see the importance of the nineteenth century writers in this context.) 10 a first something that has never been done or happened before  (Roger Bannister's four-minute mile was a notable first in the history of athletics.) 11 at first glance/sight the first time that you see something,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. Financial Integrity Rating System Of Texas st. & loc. abbr. Fixed Interest Rate Savings Tax U.S. gov. abbr. Factors In Risk Selection Techniques U.S. gov. abbr. Friendly Innovative Reliable Sincere Team mil. abbr. Forum of Incident Response and Security Team univ. abbr. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology univ. abbr. Flexible Instruction Reference And Support Tool univ. abbr. First In Recognition Of Science And Technology univ. abbr. Freshman Incorporating Respect Service and Teamwork univ. abbr. Fighting Irish Retired Service Team univ. abbr. Furthering Information Research Support And Training univ. abbr. First Inspiration And Recognition Of Science And Technology astronom. abbr. Frontiers In Research Space And Time electron. abbr. Floppy Inclusion And Rigid Substructure Topography farm. abbr. Feedstock Impregnation And Rapid Steam Treatment farm. abbr. Farmer's Independent Research Of Seed Technologies non-prof. org. abbr. Ferrets Information Rescue Shelter Trust non-prof. org. abbr. Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types non-prof. org. abbr. Foundation For Inspiration And Recognition Of Science And Technology non-prof. org. abbr. Foundation For Innovation Regional Services And Telecommunications non-prof. org. abbr. Floriculture Industry Research Scholarship Trust non-prof. org. abbr. Foundation for Icthyosis and Related Skin Types educ. abbr. Fair And Immediate Resources For Students Today law abbr. Firearm Instruction Responsibility And Safety Training gen. bus. abbr. Fast Intensive Report Supervision And Treatment gen. bus. abbr. Friendly Information Referral Service Team ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. fyrst "foremost," superl. of fore, from P.Gmc. *fur-/*for-, from PIE *pro-. First-class (1858) is from universities; first-rate (1666) is from classes of warships in the British navy. First aid is that given at the scene, pending the arrival of a doctor; firsthand is attested from 1732. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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